WSM Community Hall Minutes Saturday 7th December
Wainfleet St Mary Community Hall Committee.
St Michaels Lane, Wainfleet St Mary, Lincs. PE24 4BZ
Minutes of the Meeting of the Wainfleet St Mary Community Hall Committee which took place on Saturday December 7th, at 09.00 am
in the Community Hall, St Michael’s Lane, Wainfleet St Mary PE24 4HB.
These are draft minutes until approved at the next Committee meeting on Friday January 10th @ 10.00am.
1. Members Present:
Jan Ward (JW) (Chair), Cllr M Rust Vice Chair (MR), Cllr P Garrad, (PG), Cllr C Alexander, (CA),Cllr Trev Ward (TW), Committee Member Elaine Baker (EB)
Clerk/Note Taker – Mrs M Clarke.
2. Apologies:
Cllr M Rendall, Cllr PA Proctor and Cllr Dr C Shrubsole.
Apologies were received and accepted by all members.
3. Declarations of Interest
No interests were registered.
4. Minutes of the Meeting held Friday November 8th
The minutes of the meeting held Friday November 8th were read and agreed as a true record– proposed by Cllr TW and Seconded by MR – all resolved to approve.
5. Welcome to new Volunteer Member
A warm welcome was extended to Carol Wright who has joined as a new member of the Hall Committee – Welcome Carol – we will keep you busy....
6. Clerk and Finance report.
Clerk’s Report: The Friendship Club continues to meet every 2nd and 4th Wednesday.
The Digi Club had their 3rd meeting on Monday 2nd – further dates are planned for January and February.
The Young Farmers have booked Tuesday evening weekly for their meetings – 7.30 for 2 hours.
Rota to be agreed for opening/closing of the hall for Wainfleet Young Farmers
Christmas Movie Magic in hand with Cyd using Wainfleet Mums funding pot -
Further grant applied for by the Funding Buddies for VE Day – an application has been submitted to Wendy - Councillor Community Fund.
Outer Dowsing funding – work has started on the Jubilee Orchard – shrubs and snowdrops planted – Raised bed planters in situ and planted up with daffs, pansies, thyme, lavender and cyclamen. Thanks to Cllr MRL for storing the planters
Community Payback proposal in process with Dr C and Clerk – to be submitted once final works time assessed.
No further contact from Anglian Water re monitoring of the meter.
Calendar sales so far total £186.00 with one copy for each of the Lunch Clubbers
Mark Wilde has retired (gas service engineer) Contact made to find a replacement
Fire Stop have serviced the extinguishers.
Tea with Santa fully booked – food stuffs donated by Tesco allowing new decorations to be purchased for the Hall. Re-imbursements of additional purchases to be made to Chair.
Lunch at Woodthorpe fully booked – raffle table and reserved table for committee.
Finance report:
Cheques for signature |
Chq no |
Payee |
Amount |
December Meeting |
Community Hall |
859 |
Keystone |
chq 0036 |
£67.71 |
860 |
Wells Marquees |
chq 0037 |
£798.00 |
861 |
Firestop |
chq 0038 |
£198.75 |
£1,064.46 |
Card payments |
848 |
Name badge |
Badge World |
£6.42 |
849 |
Boston Bulbs |
Snow drops |
£257.99 |
850 |
Hayloft Plants |
Shrubs |
£428.40 |
853 |
B and Q |
Compost |
£91.00 |
858 |
Amazon |
Add security camera |
£68.97 |
£852.78 |
Monies Paid in |
November/December to date |
Community Hall |
856 |
Calendar sales |
£130.00 |
857 |
Lunch Club |
£275.01 |
846 |
East Lindsey |
Social isolation |
£719.55 |
847 |
Platform |
Kindness Christmas |
£400.00 |
Total |
£1,524.56 |
Accounts are reconciled |
Balances |
WSM Community Hall |
£11,609.93 |
Total |
£11,609.93 |
Balance of accounts after presentation of cheques |
WSM Community Hall |
£11,609.93 |
uncleared cheque |
GE Planters |
chq 0035 |
£1,738.20 |
P Strawson |
chq 0034 |
£79.00 |
Total |
£9,792.73 |
Payments due |
Age Concern |
£90.00 |
L Palmer |
£37.50 |
Young Farmers |
£45.00 |
Total |
£172.50 |
7. Events Planning
Tea with Santa – Set up to follow on from close of meeting. Food stuffs have been collected (donated by Tesco) and crackers etc have been purchased. Letter of thanks to go to Tesco, and the ladies who have made some superb little cakes for their time and contributions. Team to meet at 13.30 Sunday to finalise and prep.
Lunch Club at Woodthorpe – deposit has been paid from the grant received Nov 1st. Menu choices have been made and submitted to Woodthorpe. Table reserved for raffle and committee members. Lifts have been arranged with all meeting at midday for 12.30. Christmas cake for raffle donated – suggestion to auction off to be considered. Letter of thanks for the donation
VE Day – Event is registered – budget has been proposed and awaiting approval from Council. Proposal to purchase Lamp of Peace (for future use on remembrance Sundays) and “Tommy silhouettes (also for use in future years) – in hand once budget has been approved by Council. Chair JW following up on ceilidh caller – availability and cost.
The Village Show – Budget has been proposed – awaiting confirmation. Task List as in previous years will be used and formulated from the New Year. LIVES, Loos and Bouncy castle are booked – to confirm with Gavin – order date change labels for banners and guides for Bouncy castle. Schedules to be determined in the New Year.
Outer Dowsing supported Planting in the Orchard and Play Area – Planting has been undertaken with shrubs and planters all planted up. Thanks to all concerned – an entry has been added to the Council web site highlighting progress.
7. Film Nights – Children’s Christmas Film - led by Wainfleet Mums Group (CB) – hall is donated by the Committee free of charge – promoted on FB for December 20th at 4pm. Speakers to be set up ready for use..
8. Correspondence – No correspondence received that has not been actioned elsewhere.
9. Agenda items for January – to be advised to the Clerk and received by Friday 6th January.
10. Date of Next Meeting – Friday January 10th 2025 at 10.00am.
The Chair JW thanked everyone for attending and their input and closed the meeting at 10.05am
I certify these are a true copy of the Minutes of the Meeting held Saturday December 7th 2024
Signed Chair WSM Community Hall Committee – Chair Jan Ward
............................................................................. Date.....................................
Date 9 December 2024