Monday 9th December Minutes of the Meeting 6.00pm

Wainfleet St Mary Parish Council

St Michaels Lane, Wainfleet St Mary,

Lincs. PE24 4HB

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of Wainfleet St Mary which took place on Monday 9th December 2024 at 18.10 in the Community Hall, St Michaels Lane, Wainfleet St Mary, PE24 4HB, preceded by the Public Forum at 18.00.

These are draft minutes and are subject to amendment until approved at the next Council Meeting Monday January 13th, 2025, at 18.10.

Public –Two members of the public including 1 Hall committee member and LCC Councillor W Bowkett

Vice Chair Dr C Shrubsole (standing in for Chair I Hyde) invited LCC/ELDC Councillor Wendy Bowkett to make her monthly report detailed as under.

Lincolnshire County Council and ELDC report

A reminder that Mount Pleasant in Wainfleet will have a closure from the 9th to the 11th December for resurfacing.

Burgh Road, Friskney has a culvert collapse which has closed the road - Repairs have started so hopefully it will be reopened as soon as possible

The River Steeping de weeding and cleaning is under way, the long reach started at the Lady Wath / Steeping which cleared the overgrowth that has stopped the flow, continuing down to Thorpe. The weed boats will go through both channels.

The 52-million-pound funding to help local drainage boards with urgent work, that Victoria Atkin MP had agreed before the change of government, has finally been released by this government. This is really good news for our area. Lindsey Marsh had works ready to go which will certainly help with drainage. Going forward government have also announced that the EA are to work with drainage boards to work up bids for funding to get works done and alleviate flooding issues. The steering group are meeting in January to discuss our area.

The planning for the works for the Low Road to repair the bank and footpath continue and costings are being sort from different companies.

I wish you all a happy Christmas and a prosperous and healthy new year and thank you for your support throughout the year.

Vice Chair Dr C Shrubsole thanked Cllr WB and opened the meeting at 18.10hrs.

1. Members present 

Cllr Dr C Shrubsole – Vice Chair and Acting Chair, (Dr CS), Cllr M Rust (MR), Cllr P Garrard;(PG), Cllr P A Proctor (AP), Cllr C Alexander (CA), Cllr T Ward (TW), Hall Committee Chair Jan Ward, (JW) - Also present – Clerk M Clarke.

2. Apologies for Absence - Apologies were received from Cllrs I Hyde and M Rendall and accepted by Council.

3. Declarations of Interest - No interests were declared.

4. Approval of the Minutes of the Council Meeting on Monday November 11th .

The minutes of the meeting held Monday November 11th 2024 were presented as a true record. Proposed Cllr TW; Seconded Cllr CA; – unanimous resolution to accept.

The Minutes of the Closed Meeting held Monday November 11th were presented as a true record.

Proposed Cllr TW; Seconded Cllr CA; – unanimous resolution to accept.

The Minutes of the Extraordinary meeting held Thursday 6th December were presented as a true record.

Proposed Cllr CA, Seconded Cllr TW; Unanimous resolution to accept..

5. Community Hall Report

Chair of the Committee JW gave a full report of the Committee actions to date which are contained in the Hall Minutes and available on the web and in the Notice Boards.

6. Clerk’s Report:

The Friendship Club continues to meet every 2nd and 4th Wednesday.

The Digi Club had their 3rd meeting on Monday 2nd – further dates are planned for January and February.

Further grant applied for by the Funding Buddies for VE Day – an application has been submitted to Wendy - Councillor Community Fund.

Outer Dowsing funding – work has started on the Jubilee Orchard – shrubs and snowdrops planted – Raised bed planters in situ and planted up with daffs, pansies, thyme, lavender and cyclamen. Thanks to Cllr MRL for storing the planters

Community Payback proposal in process with Dr C and Clerk – to be submitted once final works time assessed.

NALC Bulletin consultation on remote meetings – response sent “as an option only” subject to specifics and only when face to face not feasible.

No further contact from Anglian Water re monitoring of the meter.

Calendar sales so far total £186.00

Completed surveys have been collected and will be collated with a report scheduled for January meeting by Sandra from LCF

Mark Wilde has retired (gas service engineer) Contact made to find a replacement

Fire Stop have serviced the extinguishers.

Tea with Santa fully booked.

Lunch at Woodthorpe fully booked.

Lloyds Mandates in process of updating for online banking and change of signatories.

Clerks Pay arrears from 2024 pay award have been calculated and included in this months’ pay

Contact has been made with Mark Eldin re repairs of Play Area liaising with Cllr TW

Last cut of the Hall field has been completed – Mole patrol can begin.

LIVES have been contacted (Elaine) for a defib training session in January.

Vacancy Notice posted for Councillor – co-option permitted from December 11th.

The damage to the St Michael’s NB has been repaired – thanks to Pat for sorting.

LCC and ELDC have been contacted and will visit and review the safety and recommended actions for the tree on Wainfleet Bank.

Big Tree People contacted re trees on St Michael’s Lane and corner of Queens Estate – both are diseased and require removal – both are marked with yellow crosses which appears to indicate they have come to the attention of the local authority who are managing the removal....but unable to confirm as yet. BGT have confirmed they can remove if required to do so.

Annual Leave – requested for week commencing 15th December, 22nd December and 29th December – 36 hours in total from outstanding 57 hours.

8. Working Group Reports.

a) Allotments – Agreement on quotes and works to be commissioned with a commencement date anticipated for January – agreement form to be drawn up and completed. Council fully in support and a vote of thanks to Cllr MR for a comprehensive solution and liaison with companies and tenants.

b) Grass Cutting, Trees and Hedges – All cuts have been completed. All in good order.

c) Play Area – Cllr TW has met with contractor to assess damage and cost of repairs – quote to be sent to clerk. New Inspection company to be sourced. January Agenda item for discussion for revamp and purchase of new equipment and costs with designated working group to progress.

d) Community Hall

All checks completed and in good order. The NB has been repaired with thanks to Cllr PG and note made of contractor for future works if required.

e) Planning – No applications received.

f) Open Spaces – Wainfleet Bank cracked willow awaiting inspection and guidance advice from LCC and ELDC Inspectors. Fallen tree on WSM side of Wainfleet Bank cleared by Cllr MLR – thanks from the resident to Cllr MLR and the Council for speed of clearing.

7. Finance and Bank Accounts

Cheque payments were presented for approval.

Bank reconciliations presented for approval.

The Budget report had been circulated prior to the meeting for approval.

All payments and reconciliations approved and cheques signed.

Agreement of precept to be deferred to January to permit further discussion on play area funding.



Cheques for signature - November


Chq no



Community Hall





Cheques authorised








Wells Marquees












Card Payments


name badge

Badge World




Boston Bulbs

Snow drops




Hayloft Plants





B and Q






security camera







Parish Council








Haines Watts







incl pay award arrears



Clerk salary





P Whiley







Monies Paid in



calendar sales





Lunch Club


Hall receipts



Social Isolation












Parish Council








LCC grass cutting







Business Savings










WSM Parish Account





WSM Business Savings





WSM Community Hall










Balance of accounts after presentation of cheques





WSM Parish Account





WSM Business Savings





WSM Community Hall





uncleared cheques


GE Planters





P Strawson








Receipts due


L Palmer





Age Concern





Young Farmers








cheques to authorise


J Ward













Total in accounts





8. Policies for review – Financial regulations

The new regulations have been reviewed and compiled to meet updated WSM requirements and circulated round. Members have reviewed and agree content. Proposal to adopt – Proposer Cllr CA, Seconded Cllr TW. Unanimously approved and accepted.

9. Town and Parish Survey.

All councillors contributed with input – clerk will collate and submit within the required time period.

10. Correspondence – Invitation to take part in Government research reference 2019 flooding.   

 Temporary Traffic restriction Wainfleet Bank

10. Items for Inclusion in the next meeting Agenda.

Approval of precept.

Play Area working group to be agreed.

Storage solutions for council documents.

13. Date of Next meeting: - Date agreed for the next meeting Monday January 13th @ 18.00.     

Vice Chair Dr C Shrubsole thanked everyone for a productive evening and closed the meeting at 19.07 hours.

I certify these are a true record of the meeting held Monday 9th December 2024.




Chair WSM Parish Council.