Wainfleet Saint Mary Parish Council - Home page

January sun over the fields

Welcome to Wainfleet St Mary Parish Council

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Wainfleet St Mary Community Hall Committee

Wainfleet Saint Mary Community Hall Committee works alongside the Parish Council with fund raising and events to maintain the Hall for the Community.

It is made up of Councillors and volunteers/members of the public who meet as required to plan and organise events with an annual meeting each year to elect a Chair and Vice Chair.

The Committee is bound by the same protcols and procedures as the Council with both Agendas and Minutes being published in the Notice Boards and on the web site.

The Committe has a separate bank account and adminsters the finances under the same strict protocols as the Council and is audited both internally and externally annually.

Events are publicised on the Council and the Community Hall Facebook pages as well as in the Notice Boards.

Regular events include The Lunch Club through the year witha Christmas Lunch in December