Have you lived in the Parish of Wainfleet St Mary for five years or more?

Wainfleet St Mary Poor Lands Charity

Did you know that Wainfleet St Mary has a Poor Lands Charity that was set up in 1687 by Robert Lowis to help the poor of the village.

Several local landowners including Robert Lowis gave up plots of lands to be organised by parish officers to let them in small allotments to such of the poor parishioners as are most deserving and have the largest families. The parcels of land were portioned among 21 small tenants at varying rents. The annual income was distributed on Plough Tuesday among the poor of the parish at the discretion of the parish officers.

Nowadays the charity is run by a small body of trustees and has Charity Commission status.

Every year, on the first Saturday after Plough Tuesday, money is distributed to Wainfleet St Mary parishioners.

Obviously, rules do apply – you must declare and agree to the following points:

  • You have lived in the parish of Wainfleet St Mary for five years or more.
  • You are a pensioner on a fixed income which does not exceed £20,000 per annum.
  • Where possible the applicant must collect the funds in person.
  • Only one payment per household will be distributed.
  • Distributions take place annually in January.
  • Details for distributions will be displayed on the parish notice board in early January each year.
  • Half payment will be paid out for the first year, thereafter, full payment will be granted annually.

If you would like further information or to apply to be included on the distribution list, please contact the clerk to the Trustees:

Jan Ward 01754 880032     Email: wsmplc@btinternet.com