Committee Members

Wainfleet St Mary has 2 committees who report to the Council.

Wainfleet Community Hall Committee - the remit is to raise funding for maintainance of the hall for the Community


Chair - Cllr Mrs Jan Ward

Vice Chair - Councillor Mick Rust

Committee Members:

Mrs E Baker

Mrs C Wright

Cllr Trev Ward

Councillor Annie Proctor

Councillor Pat Garrard

Councillor Christine Alexander

WSM Chair I Hyde and Vice Chair Dr C Shrubsole will also attend

WSM Clerk supports at the meetings and maintains the financial records in line with Council Governance.


Wainfleet St Mary Staffing Committee

Chair - Cllr Christine Alexander

Committee Members - Cllr Mike Rendall. 

The Chair of the Council oversees the Committee.

Members are required to attend 50% of meetings to retain their membership.



All members may be contacted through the clerk on or 07873321590 or through the Council FaceBook page accessible through the home page on the website.