Latest Updates on the River Steeping dredging and maintenance

Steeping River Community Update

This newsletter provides an update on the work of the Steeping River Catchment Steering Group and other actions that take place to reduce flood risk.

Dredging  - Good progress is being made as Phase 2 of the targeted dredging on the Wainfleet Relief Channel continues. The dredger started near the layby on the B1195 and is moving west towards the railway bridge at Thorpe Culvert. An additional section is now being dredged between the layby and the B1195 road bridge because more silt has been identified at this location since the surveys took place. This isn’t unusual in a complex silt removal operation like this and means a minimum water depth of 1.5 metres is achieved. This depth discourages weed growth because the water is cooler.

Phase 2 is expected to finish in the middle of March.

Phase 1 saw a total of 55,000 cubic metres of silt removed.

The silt and water mix dredged in Phase 2 is being pumped into Lagoon C, just off the B1195, to settle.

The clear outfall water will run into nearby drains and the dried silt will eventually be mixed back into the land.

The completion of both Phases will see silt removed from all of the locations identified in the 2019 silt survey. It has also been possible to dredge additional locations, following cost savings made elsewhere. Dredging remains a key priority for partners, who know just how it important it is to the community as one of the ways to reduce flood risk here, alongside other steps like regular grass cutting and weed clearance. Funding is being explored by the Steeping Steering Group to dredge the location between Croft Lane and B1195 in the next financial year. A different method is needed here because the dredger would be too expensive to crane in for the short length to be cleared.

Contact us Environment Agency: 03708 506 506

To report an incident please call (24-hour service) 0800 80 70 60 Floodline: 0345 988 1188

Lindsey Marsh Drainage Board: 01507 328095

This report is available on  line for anyone who wishes to access on

Published: Friday, 18th February 2022