Minutes 14th September

Minutes of Wainfleet St Mary Parish Council Meetint 14th September 2020 - Held in the Community Hall St Michael's Lane, Wainfleet Saint Mary at 7pm.

Present - Cllr S Simpson SS (Chair) Cll A Murgatroyd AM, Cll P Garrad PG, Cllr R Picker RP, Cllr M Rust MR

Maureen Clarke - Parish Clerk

1. Apologies

Apologies were received from Wendy Bowkett ELDC and LCC Councillor, PCSO Jayne Richardson, Cllr S Roy


2. Declarations of Interest

AM for item 9c

MR for item 10c

3. Police Report

PCSO JR emailed the following There was a problem reported by locals regarding motor bikes on fields on St Michael's Lane - on speaking with the motor bike owners they said they had permission from the farmer to be on the land. Unfortunatley each time the farmer was visited to confirm he was not there to advise if permission had been granted.

Rise in telephone scams especially related to Covid - most notably in there is a cost involved in getting a test - tests are free

Rise in garden ornaments being stolen

Flytipping on the increase but not so much is WSM.

4. County and District Report - Cllr W Bowkett

Apologies rec'd - Holidays - report will be presented at October meeting.

5. Approval of the Minutes

To confirm the minutes of the Parish Council heldon August 10th 2020.

Amendments - none. Proposal - Minutes to be taken as read and correct.

Proposed PG Seconded MR - unanimous decision. 

To Confirm the Confidential Minutes from the Extraordinary meeting 4th September 2020.

Amendments - town council to read parish council

Proposed PG Seconded MR - unanimous decision

All copies to be signed by Chair to confirm

6. Finance

To update the Councillors on Financial matters

|To receive and approve payments and receipts.

The clerk passed around a financila report showing income, expenses and a bank reconciliation

Payments made over £100 for August for transparency

Staff costs - Monthly pay and admin £349.49

WSM PCC S137 grant £5.00

L Young - Repairs to hall roof £307.00

Lloyds not yet opening new business bank accounts for councils/charities

Local Government Pay Services Agreement 2020/2021 - Agrement has been reached between the National Employers and the NJC trade union side on rates of pay applicable form April 2020. Current clerk pay scale increased by 23p per hour - unanimous agreement to implement from April 2020.

Clerk contract to be finalised following reconvened meetings post lockdown.

Clerks Report - Cheques for signature

Wainfleet St Mary PCC - £500.00 as agreed August 10th meeting

L Young Joinery £370.00 - repairs to Hall roof as agreed at August 10th meeting

Royal British Legion - £20.00 agreed donation to VJ Day

HMRC - £82.00 Clerks PAYE

Clerk's wages - £338.34 plus £7.80 postage and £3.35 paper ream

Haines Watts - £27.00 administration of clerk's pay and HMRC submission

Access now gained to WSM on line tax account - £21.28 is unallocated-ie overpaid - fromprevious clerk final pay which was met by the Council. This will be offset against next months tax submission to HMRC - to confirm with accountant.

British Gas Contract Plan due for renewal in October - if no option plan chosen tariff will revert to standard variable with a projected cost of £444.79 per annum.

1 year contract - estimated at £214.12

2 year contract - estimated at £217.82

3 year contact estimated at £221.51

Proposal to renew for 3 years - Proped RP, Seconded MR - all in agreement - see also Minutes item 10.

Local Government Services have agreed new pay rates - copy of agreement made available at meeting for Councillor to peruse

Allotments -invitation to Extraordinary meeting was not attended by the tenant

Satellite measurement taken on land in question sublmitted by the tenant

Parkfresh have paid teir invoce by bank transfer.

Wainfleet Bank - cracked willow tree - Tree has been reported again following concerns from residents winds had blown branches onto the road creating obstacles. 3 residents still very concerned this is an accident waiting to happen in terms of falling onto ower lines and the rooves of White Cottage and Chapel Cottage - both of these propeeties are in Wainfleet All Saints but the tree is in WSM. FixMyStreet reference 374814 - upgraded to investigating.

Member of the public tentatively enquired if the hall would be available to hire for a small family party in October - initally planned for agenda discussion but in view of latest Government Guidance not a feasible possibility.

Bank Account for Communityhall Committee - Lloyds Charity nad CouncilNew Business dept are not opening new accounts as yet.

7. Planning - Proposal to eastablish Local coastal Action Zone submitted by ELDC - clerk to confirm no monies required from WSM and support.

8. Working groups

a) Grass Cutting - cuts have been completed as follows - Queens Estate - 2/9/20. River bank to the Grange 2/9/20 and 15/9.20. Christmas tree to be ordered for delivery December 4th - clerk to action.

b) Roads, paths and Street Lighting - 30mph sign reported as missing - trees overhanging Toft Close/A52 opposite by pass - clerk to report to fixMyStreet

c) Play Area - Grass cut and all in good order - RP

d) Queens estate - No report

e) Fly Tipping - Garden rubbish deposited between hedges in Sea Lane - clerk to report to FixMyStreet

f) Allotments- discussion on best way forward to establish correct acreage measurement of sea lane allotments - Willsons to be contacted with request to measure and record - clerk to arrange/liaise with MR and Willsons. half yearly invoices to be sent out with polite reminder to keep ditches clear

g) Street furniture - all in good order PG

h) Wanifleet bank - coverfed in Clerk's report

9, Council Matters

a) Parish Council Vacancies - Interested parties to be contacted by Clerk and invited to October 5th meeting

b) Steeping River update - printed newsletter handed round.

c) Section 137 grant for WSM - magdalen Musem Community Hub- £250.00 grant aid requested to support general running costs. Propoal to support - Proposer RP, Seconnded          MR - Unanimous decision to support

10) Community Hall

a) 10K grant approved and in Lloyds Treasurer account

b) Repair to roof ahve been completed satisfactorily - PG

c) Wainfleet All Saints TC have requested to use the Community Hall for their monthly meetings whilst their usual venue of the Coronation Hall is not being made available. All in agreement subject to covid safe guidance followed and risk assessment adhered to - Clerk to arrange.

d) British Gas Contract due for renewal - agrred to renew for 3 year term

e) Carpet cleaning - not actioned yet but in hand with PG and MR - Monthly Inspection report - Item 76 outsode socket not providing power - clerk to contact S Bogg to repair

f) Notice Board - to be removed ans not functionable - RP to arrange

11. Agenda items for next meeting

Tenders for Grass Cutting

Boiler Service

PAT Testing

12. Meeting dates

The next Councilmeeting was agreed as 5th october 2020

Cllr S Simson thanked everyone for their contributions and closed the meeting at  20.10